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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Print Alphabet for First Grade

Dearest Guide,

Don't you usually help the 3rd year students transition from your cursive alphabet to the print alphabet they use in all the public schools?  What am I to do to prepare my 6 year old for first grade?  I don't know how to do that!

Sincerely,  Scrabbling and Scribbling

Dear Scrabbling,

You are absolutely right, Gentle Parent. We do typically spend the last month of the school year offering the graduating children the opportunity to practice the formation of the print alphabet.  They are already very familiar with the letters from having read, almost exclusively, words in print, but haven't written them much.  We offer them handouts with letters to trace and copy, which, using arrows, indicate the proper path the pencil should take in forming the letter.  The children are usually very excited about this rite of passage and eagerly practice on the handouts.  For all of our parents whose children are moving on to another school system, I encourage you to provide such penmanship practice for your child no later than one month before the new school year begins.  That should offer plenty of time to master the formation of these letters.  If you or your child wish to get cracking on this earlier, that is absolutely fine, too.  At this point, under these circumstances, I am perfectly willing for your child to begin this transition at any time now.  There will be handouts available to download, print and practice on from our Distance Learning tab at our PhMS website.  I'm sure other parents had this question nagging them at the backs of their minds as well, Gentle Parent, so thank you for your inquiry.  It is my hope that the children continue to use both alphabets as they progress. A hand-written letter will always contain more of the soul of the writer than one tapped out on a keyboard and a fine cursive hand represents a well-rounded education and a certain panache.  I hate to think of these awesome kids living without panache!  It haunts me!   I remain,

Your Guide,

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