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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Gentle Parents,

Are you and your gang having enough fun?  Just checking.  I'm worried about you.  Let's just go down my fun checklist, okay?

     * Have you visited the Benton County Library website?  There are many forms of entertainment available there, even for those who do not have a library card.  One of the older boys in our class has been listening to lots of audiobooks and his parents tell me that it is a point of focus for him and that he retains so much of what he hears.  I also think an entire family all sitting around listening to a story together makes for a cozy and relaxing way to wind-down.   And there is much more available on the website.

     * Did you know that Wildlife Safari in Winston, OR is still open?  Remain safe and comfy in your vehicle as you drive through and see the animals in (and out of!) their enormous enclosures.  Forgive the teacher in me for saying there could be some great work leading up to and following such an excursion.  One could research an animal they were keen on seeing there and write a report or make a booklet of pictures and labels depicting and identifying a handful of animals expected to be seen on the safari.  One could write a haiku and leave it there for the cheetahs to enjoy:

                                                   Cheetahs run and leap
                                              You never hear them coming
                                                     until it's too late
     * Every song you might ever want to karaoke is available on YouTube!  Search like this:  YouTube Karaoke Foo Fighters Learn to Fly or YouTube Karaoke Keep on the Sunny Side.  They are ALL THERE!  It's so much fun! Your kids can sing songs they already know without needing to  be able to read the lyrics and they will really enjoy seeing Mamas and Papas get so silly as they belt out their favorites.  Best of all, when you come to the part of the song you don't know at all, you can just stop and pick another song you might know. You don't have to stand up there helplessly, knowing that you are over your head while everyone in the karaoke bar judges you.

     * Have you painted rocks and left them out in your neighborhood to delight others?  This is best done with acrylic paints which you can purchase over the phone with your credit card at Michael's and they will bring it out to you for curb-side pick-up.  You might want to stock up on pipe cleaners, tissue paper, Elmer's glue, Tacky glue and a couple of watercolor sets while you are at it.

Okay, Gentle Parents, if you have done all of the above and the dipstick is still registering "low" on your fun tank, someone, (not me!) should set up a Zoom cocktail party for all of us.  Maybe we can come up with more ideas if we put our collectively addled brains to it!  Busily planning more fun YouTube videos for you, I remain,

Your Guide,

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