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Offering a small school atmosphere for the Corvallis-Philomath community since 1984

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Parlez-vous Francais?


We have begun speaking French with the children in honor of our study of Canada. This is less of a stretch for our staff than some of the other languages we have explored in the past such as Inuit, Yoruba and Arabic. Pauline and I both studied French in school and Leslie lived for a time in Haiti. The internet is also a wonderful resource. There are websites where one can just enter the phrase one wishes to translate and it spells it out and pronounces it in the language of choice. C'est magnifique!

We are greeting and taking our leave as well as doing the weather report and calendar "en Francais." The children have really embraced it. The enthusiasm that children have for foreign language really varies from child to child and from school year to school year. Some kids flat-out refuse to speak in another tongue! I don't want to brag, but I have been told I have an ear for languages and I certainly do delight in trying. When traveling, I find that most people appreciate it when one makes an effort and I am always so impressed that people from other countries speak English as well as they do!

We had a fire drill today and it went very well. A sense of urgency was definitely lacking, though, in the little boy who demanded to have an on-the-spot discussion of WHY we were having a fire drill. Rest assured, we leave no one behind, not even the most philosophical of evacuees. He came out, trailing the others, hand-in-hand with Leslie.

Looking forward to seeing you at the parent meeting this Thursday!


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