The day after our Zoom party, I will drive up to Vancouver to see my mom, sister, brother-in-law, niece and nephew, who are all in one household. I will remain outside their house. I'm going to back my Subaru Outback up to her front porch. I will sit in the hatchback of my car, protected under cover rain or shine, while my family sits on their porch and we will sing Christmas carols. It is very important to Mom to set eyes on me, but this particular weekend is our only window in which I can travel outside of Oregon and be back within our state's borders two weeks prior to reporting back to work. It's 3 hours of driving for one hour of togetherness, but it will be worth it. Never let it be said I wasn't a dutiful daughter!
This situation is disappointing to me and I'm sure many of you are making sacrifices to keep your family and community safe, too. I am sad and sorry for all that you must give up this year, but very grateful for your willingness to do so. I thank you and I wish you all a very happy holiday season: one unlike any other. We will all remember this one, won't we?
Warmest Winter Wishes,