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Saturday, November 19, 2011

An Ounce of Prevention

Pauline, Leslie, Marjie, Jessica and I spent this Saturday renewing our Adult/Pediatriatric CPR and First Aid certification with Good Samaritan. Milan Miller has been our instructor for the last several years' classes. He is a wonderful teacher. He let us know at the start that the greatest determining factor in whether we would step up in an emergency or not is our confidence level. He is an EMT with many years experience and has, seemingly, seen it all. He told vivid stories and had us all in stitches.

A few tidbits that would benefit parents to know stuck with me and I will share them with you before they fade from memory. Did you know that Oregon is second only to Alaska in the number of hypothermia deaths per year? This is due to the wetness that plagues our winters. Wetness wicks the heat out of the body's core. Milan says that getting under a cedar tree will keep one reasonably dry in an Oregon rain. That might be a survival tip we want to pass on to our loved ones including our kids. As horrible as it is to think of a child lost in the wilderness, it would be of some comfort if we knew our kids had a modicum of know-how. Seeking this arborial shelter, a whistle and a bright-colored coat might make the difference in someone's survival.

Milan stressed the importance of keeping children's vitamins in a secure container and location just as we do with all other medications. Many of them look and taste like candy so it's important when administering them to your child to remind them that it is medicine and only to be taken when given by a parent or care-giver. And did you know that the second leading cause of child mortality is choking? Never let your child move and eat. It is a life-saving practice. When our kids eat apples on the playground we staff members must repeatedly remind them to sit down if they wish to eat. We don't allow them to rise from the snack table with food in their mouths, either. I have never had to administer the Heimich Maneuver and although I am prepared to do so, I'm not eager!

Milan also warned us of the likelihood of a major earthquake in our area in the next 20 years. And he warned us that we would all be ON OUR OWN as it is expected to be a quake of a devastating magnitude. He provided us with a list of emergency provisions to assemble and instructions to follow. I really need to get on getting my family's emergency kit together!
One can also download similar information from the Red Cross. Families will be glad to know that we perform regular earthquake drills at school and the children do very well.

If you've never taken a first-aid/CPR course, I encourage you to do so. It is an empowering feeling to know that one would know what to do in an emergency. The more there are of us who are trained, the readier we will be able to help each other and those we love.

Best Regards and Wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving,